Bulk Professional Disc Repair Info & Price List
Discounts Available on Bulk Repair Orders!
The more discs you have repaired on the same order the lower the cost-per-disc. Take advantage of these savings by mailing in multiple discs. When your order contains 10 or more discs we automatically ship them back to you sealed in CD cake boxes so your discs are sent back to you in the very best possible condition.
You can send in any combination of any disc types on the same order. It is helpful if you sort them into stacks of "like discs" in the box, but it is not required. For example, sort DVDs and Blu-ray discs into separate bundles within the box you ship to us.
Determine how many discs you need resurfaced and see the chart below for our current pricing. Listings matching these quantities are on our Disc Repair Listings page. If you need any questions answered please feel free to email us at Sales@RetroGameFan.com and we'll be happy to help.
Our Current Price List

Important: For full details about the repair service, types of disc damage, what can/cannot be repaired, etc. please reference the following pages prior to ordering:
Repair Process Details
Types of Disc Damage
Scratch Removal Potential
Bulk Repairs / Price List (this page)
Disc Repair Outsourcing (If you are a business in need of bulk resurfacing)
Repair Service Ship-To Address
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